Monday 19 December 2011


One night in November around a kitchen table (and after a few red wines) I was talking to a new friend Brenna about how I'm always more creative when I have a project and sometimes a deadline to work to.  She felt the same way and I mentioned that my partner and myself used to set each other monthly creative projects, back when we lived in Glasgow, Scotland.  With only the 2 of us, my partner and I were always distracted with other things like work, commitments, bad televeision and lots of the other things in life that soak up time.  This montlly project fell away but I always loved this idea of having a project to work towards.  

Looking around the table on this November gathering, I was amazed at how many creative people were there that night: singer/songwriters, photographers, graphic artists and a trained sculptor.  After lots of excited discussion the group at the table all said they felt the same and we decided to set a monthly creative project.  Art Club (Around the Kitchen Table)was born there and then!

For the first monthly project the task was to do something with a piece of A4 paper (any colour). 

The idea is that everyone creates something relating to the theme and interperates it in their own unique way.  A new theme is posted each month then at the end of the month we share what we have created.  You don't need to stick to you normal field of creativity, for example if you are normally a painter you might want to make a short animation, or if you are normally a photographer you might enjoy writing a poem, and so on.

It's really simple, free and hopefully fun for everyone involved! No one will tell you off if you miss a month...I promise.

The project is open to anyone that is interested - so please spread the word , the more the merrier!

Submissions can be emailed to myself, posted via a web-link or posted on this blog directly - whatever is easiest for you.

The first submission date is the 21st of December 2012 - as in tomorrow!!!  

I'll be posting next month's task up here stay tuned.

Gilli x

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